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Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Blue Velvet Vincent Awarded "Lovely Blogger Award" by The Mad Lab Post.

One of the great things of participating in the A-Z Blogging Challenge is the opportunity to meet some really great bloggers.  The creativity of ideas and page designs has been a great source of inspiration to me.  Recently I have been awarded the "Lovely Blogger Award"  by Nicole of  The Mad Lab Post.  Nicole is one of the most talented and inspired bloggers that I have met along the way. She has a beautiful personality.  Thank you Nicole for honouring  Blue Velvet Vincent with this award today.

For those receiving the award we ask that you oblige in the following.
1. Name and thank the blogger who gave you the award.
2. List 7 facts about yourself
3. Award 15 other bloggers with this award.*
I myself struggled to come up with 15 total so I awarded them to blogs that I visit regularly.
4. Enjoy.

Here are 7 fun facts about me (Bev)

1. When I was 10 I got lost in the woods with my cousin for a period of 12 hours. We were rescued by my Uncle and his son. My cousin recognized the shoe pattern of my new shoes.

2. When I was 8 I had cosmetic surgery done on my ears. They stuck out like a couple of taxi door. I was teased terribly in grade school.

3. Everyone knows that I'm a huge fan of Vincent's but I've also got a thing for Jeffrey Dean Morgan.

4. I tend to be overly sentimental and as a result collect a lot of things from my childhood, like Dr. Seuss books, Pyrex dishes and anything having to do with milk delivery. My Dad use to be a milkman .

5. I love to play any kind of board game. I also played soccer in a house league for 25 years.

6. While on holiday, one of my favorite things to do is reading the Tabloids, while soaking up the sun. Normally I could care less.

7. I use to be a nail biter, now I'm a knuckle cracker. (It’s better than being a bed-wetter).

Below is my list of blogs that I'm awarding the "Lovely Blogger" too.

1. Tacoma Beadworks and Photography
2. Auh du Lieber, Jayne
3. Cup of Jo
4. Lovely Kathryn (informative Kathryn Erbe site)
5. Ruth's Yummy Stuff
6. Vintage and Volatile
7. Vintage Love and Photographs
8. Weight Dive- the New Me
9. Still Dating My Spouse
10.A Multifarious Me


  1. Congratulation on the award Bev. Well-deserved.And interesting facts....Were you scared in the woods? Kind of brings to mind....Don't Go In The Woods..Glad they found you back!!

  2. Those are some fun and interesting facts about you. I would have never guessed that you'd read tabloids. It's great that you were able to escape the woods ok as a kid and It sounds like your cousin would make a great police detective! When you mentioned the ears thing, I thought of Jaden Smith! I think he's a cute little boy though, lol.

    Board games rock! If I'm ever in your town, I'll know how to pass the time and I agree with you...the knuckle stuff are both better alternatives to bed the very least, they don't require multiple trips to the laundry room! ;)

    I think I've only seen Jeffrey Dean Morgan on "Grey's Anatomy" but yeah, he's kinda handsome...I can understand what you see in him. Happy 4th of July!

    Blog: The Madlab Post
    @MadlabPost on Twitter

  3. Thanks so much Bev!! :D I do the same thing w/ tabloids when I'm on vacation! I stock up on them a few weeks before the trip too. I never buy People magazine unless I'm going on a trip or I'm sick.
