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Monday, 9 April 2012

Vincent D'Onofrio Offers a Killing Performance

A-Z Blogging Challenge
"H" is for Homicide: Life in the Streets.

Back in 1998 after doing more than 30 movies at that point Vincent  lands a guest role on the T.V. series, Homicide: Life in the Streets.  His performance as John Lange, subway passenger, who becomes pinned under a subway train, won him a Emmy nomination.

Why he never won, I'll never know because in my humble opinion he was absolutely brilliant.

The complete episode can be seen on YouTube in 6 parts. Starting with part One. HERE


  1. One of the most brilliant performances I've ever seen by anyone!!

  2. My favorite HLOS episode ever and I was a really big fan. My profile pic...the subway stop where that episode was filmed.

  3. Good choice Bev. This one was so hard to watch. It's one of the few things he's done that I haven't been able to watch more than once.

  4. You can get the episode on Netflix streaming. I was not able to watch the whole episode I just crumble into a pool of tears.

  5. I've only ever seen the caps from this role before. It looks way too sad for me to watch though. He dies way too much in his roles!

  6. His. best. performance. ever.

    One I like to watch, although it's painful.

    Somewhere on youtube, you can also find additional footage from the ep, which a student at filmschool used and recut.

  7. Almost unwatchable. First time I saw it I didn't know Vincent, but wept so many buckets that next time it was on I gave it a miss. I was a V-fan by that time, and STILL didn't realise it was him. Had to go out and buy the full S6!
