Wednesday, 1 August 2012

"Chained" starring Vincent D'Onofrio screening at Four Film Festivals.

CHAINED which stars Vincent D’Onofrio and Julia Ormond is the official selection of four film festivals. On August 5th it will premiere at the Fantasia International Film Festival. Then it will move on to Germany screening at the Berlin FilmFantasy Festival on August 25th and the Hamburg FilmFantasy Festival on August 26th. Then it’s off to the UK for FrightFest. The film’s director Jennifer Lynch will be attending all of the screenings.


  1. I'll buy my ticket tomorrow, yeah!

  2. Actually Jeremy, Jennifer has a new documentary coming out called "Despite the Gods" chronicling her yet to be released film "Hisss", about a snake woman in Indian. "Chained" is a full feature horror film.

    Anjte- Congratulations. Have a wonderful time.
