Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Wordless Wednesday

In my travels through the Bloggersphere this past month I noticed a lot bloggers post just a picture on Wednesday's and nothing else. It's become known as "Wordless Wednesday".  I thought that  was something I'd like to adopt because some days Vincent just leaves me speechless.

Source: Abigayle Tarsches
Movie :  Household Saints


  1. I haven't seen WW on blogger, but on LJ and Tumblr a lot. Especially in my dog communities. It seemed like a good excuse to post a pic of one's puppy!

    Read the book if you get the chance, Bev. It's such a sweet little book.

  2. Great Googly Moogly that's a hot pic. I've been doing WW for awhile, but not every week.

  3. Oh didn't hear about this tradition, yet. But I love your first pic choice. Maybe I should join as well ;o)
