Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Utah Meth Cops Project- Ride for a Hero Event

The Utah Meth Cops Project formed out of a need to help ailing police officers who were exposed to toxic meth labs regain their quality of life. They put their lives on the line to make their community safer and they are paying the price with their own health. The program was implemented in January of 2010 and Vincent has been their spokesperson from it's beginnings. The Ride for a Hero Event this year is being held at Timpango's Harley Davidson in Lindon, Utah. Registrats, supporters and fans alike will have an opportunity to donate to Utah Meth Cops Project as well as meet Vincent D'Onofrio (prior to registration).

To learn more about the Utah Meth Cops Project please click on the link.


  1. That charity sure has benefited from Toni having moved to Utah!

  2. miss lee make sure you remind us of your b-day so we can give you a proper and timely shout out. Now a trip to Utah would be a great b-day present.

  3. At first I thought I stumbled on the secret blog of Vincent D'onofrio. I thought, how cool is THAT???
    He's such a cool guy - no wonder you love him so. All teddy bear and talent, rolled into one!
    AND you're Canadian? Me TOO!
    See? Maybe loving the Vin-man is a Canuck thing! What part of Canada are you from?

  4. Hello.
    You sure do love Vincent (smile) and how exciting to have met him too! Thanks for sharing & visiting.

    Under A Celestial Dawn

  5. JoJo @ so true.

    Cathy @ "All teddy bear and talent" I can't tell you how many times I have heard Vincent being described that way. It's so true.
    You know, I've come across very few "Vin-man" (LOL) Canadian fans. I don't know why that is. Law and Order:Criminal Intent was such a widely spread international show, for more Canadians not to be fans is truly a mystery to me. I'm from Sarnia, Ontario. Where are you from Cathy? So happy you've decided to follow. I look forward to getting to know you better.

    Hi Andy,

    It truly was exciting to meet him. I felt it an honour. Thanks for your return visit.
