Sunday, 22 April 2012

Meet Vincent D'Onofrio at Utah Valley University!

25th Anniversary
May 19th

Take note of the two dates. Vincent will be at the  BBQ  on the 18th , but not the Meet  on the 19th.

25th Anniversary
Auto Expo and Swap Meet
May 19th


  1. That would be so much fun! I am curious about the odd looking red car on the poster. I wonder if it's for racing on the Bonneville Salt Flats, outside SLC?

  2. I was scrolling down and saw that Vincent was in Full Metal Jacket. I never clued in that it was him. Isn't that crazy? And that was one of my favorite characters in the movie. He was outstanding!

  3. I didn't scan through your whole blog, but have to know if you have met him before! What fun to be such a fan!

  4. I love him! Glad to be a follower!


  5. Hi Janyce, Andrea and Rena. Welcome to Blue Velvet Vincent.

    @Janyce I confess I've only ever watched Full Metal Jacket twice. The second time only till Vincent's character died. He was fantastic in it though.

    @Andrea Yes, I have actually met Vincent. It was in Utah last year at a charity event. It was thrilling to say the least.

    @Rena So happy to have you hear. I look forward to getting to know you.
