Monday, 13 February 2012

Blue Velvet Vincent is back in Business!

Hi Everyone,
Thanks for stopping in. Yes, it's true. I've decided to reopen my blog after much thought and consideration. This time around though I'm going to keep it light.  I'm going to use it more as an extension of the FB fan page. I'll post the pictures from time to time, along with any articles I choose to write. I missed my blog terribly . I loved the creativity of it and the interaction with my fellow blogging buddies.
So in saying that,  welcome, and I hope to get acquainted with all of you as we continue to share in our admiration and love for the talented, and gorgeous Mr. Vincent D'Onofrio.

Also as a side note, it was exactly 2 years ago today that I discovered Vincent on the internet and the fantastic fandom that came with it.


  1. Welcome back, Bev. I took a break, too, but eventually blogging won. Taking it lighter though, too.

  2. Hey Bev. Wonderful that you re-installed your blog. Happy blogging.

  3. WOW! Glad to see this!

  4. Can't wait to follow your blog!

  5. Welcome to the dark side, hehe.

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  7. My pleasure Bev....I'm so happy you have started this again...

  8. Even though Bobby's off doing his own thing without us, it's great to have a resurgence of VDO-loving! Thanks for doing this, Bev.

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  11. Whoooo-Hooooooooo!!!! So great to see this back up and all of us here together!

  12. Thnx for bringing the blog back--nice layut/look/feel

  13. Thank for the warm welcome everyone.

  14. Aww yay! I love blogs!!! :-D

  15. So good to see you back Bev!

  16. WELCOME BACK!!!!! So glad you are blogging again!

  17. Thanks ladies, really great to be back.

  18. Howdy--purused some of your older posts before your hiatus. Welcome back.

  19. What a great, romantic time to bring this back. Is Luca four this year? My how time flies huh? Well, anyway here's to another fine year. MM.

  20. BEV .... how beautiful is this blog, I love it! Thanks for sharing it wonderful that all this GREAT LOVE FOR VINCENT join us now so I can monitor everything that goes with this beautiful man. Thanks again and congratulations.

  21. Thanks again ladies. I'm looking forward to what Vincent has in store for us next.

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  23. Bev, Sooo glad to see you back, I have missed you!!!I don't tweet....yet. But I love the blogs and always enjoyed yours. You seem like a fun person, and even tho a lot of us same gals blog the same blogs, it is so much fun expressing our love for Vincent. Welocome back, just happen to find it this mornong!!
